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Is it possible to use mpl::map to initialize symbol parser?

If I have a mpl::map, how can I generate a corresponding boost::spirit::symbol parser?


using blocks = mpl::map<
                  mpl::pair<mpl::string<'p'>, do_para>,
                  mpl::pair<mpl::string<'ul'>, do_ul>,
                  mpl::pair<mpl::string<'ol'>, do_ol>

 qi::symbols<const char *, T> block_parser(?????);

Thanks for the help with the minimal code question!


  • Without knowing why you would do such a thing, here's an imagined application of it using boost::fusion::for_each:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/mpl/map.hpp>
    #include <boost/mpl/for_each.hpp>
    #include <boost/mpl/string.hpp>
    #include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/algorithm.hpp>
    #include <boost/fusion/mpl.hpp>
    namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
    namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
    struct do_ol   : qi::grammar<const char*> {
        do_ol() : do_ol::base_type(start) {}
        qi::rule<const char*> start;
    struct do_ul   : qi::grammar<const char*> {
        do_ul() : do_ul::base_type(start) {}
        qi::rule<const char*> start;
    struct do_para : qi::grammar<const char*> {
        do_para() : do_para::base_type(start) {}
        qi::rule<const char*> start;
    template <typename T>
    struct block_parser_t : qi::symbols<char, T> {
        template <typename Map>
        void add_map() {
            boost::fusion::for_each(Map(), map_adder(*this));
        struct map_adder {
            map_adder(block_parser_t& r) : _r(r) {}
            block_parser_t& _r;
            template <typename...> struct result { typedef void type; };
            template <typename Pair> void operator()(Pair const&) const { 
                std::cout << "Adding: " << mpl::c_str<typename Pair::first>::value << "\n";
                    mpl::c_str<typename Pair::first>::value,
                    typename Pair::second()
    int main() {
        using blocks = mpl::map<
            mpl::pair<mpl::string<'p'>,  do_para>,
            mpl::pair<mpl::string<'ul'>, do_ul>,
            mpl::pair<mpl::string<'ol'>, do_ol>
        typedef qi::rule<char const*> R;
        block_parser_t<R> block_parser;


    Adding: p
    Adding: ul
    Adding: ol

    It will default construct the do_ul, do_ol and do_para grammars (assuming they are grammars)