I got voting script on my page (jQuery Raty), everything work's fine but I want to change rate number in my ajax after voting.
Have problem with getting to span class .glosy
My html:
<div class=\"movie__rate\">
<div class=\"score\" data-score=\"$czy_glosowal2[ocena]\" data-user=\"$stat[id]\" data-movie=\"$podobny_film[id]\"></div>
<span class=\"movie__rate-number\">
<span class=\"glosy\">170</span>
My JS:
click: function(score) {
var licznik_komentarzy = $(this).find('.glosy').text();
var zapisanie_licznika = $(this).find('.glosy').val(licznik_komentarzy);
var dodanie_licznika = +$(this).find('.glosy').val() + 1;
tried different methods (next(), nextAll(), find()) and still cant figure it out.
Assuming that this
is actually the element (depends on how plugin is written) ... you are looking in the wrong direction in the DOM tree.
looks up the tree for ancestors.
You would need to use find()
to look for a descendant of .score