I'd like to pull in a static HTML file that I'll use as an Underscore template in my front-end JavaScript. I've tried the following with no luck:
<link rel="import" href="${resource(plugin: 'my-app-name', dir: 'tpl', file: 'foo.html')}"/>
<g:external dir="tpl" file="foo.html" type="html" />
The file sits at web-app/tpl/foo.html.
The ultimate goal is to use the new HTML import syntax to access the file's contents via JavaScript.
The following worked for me, though I'm not sure if it's the best solution: In UrMappings.groovy: static excludes = ['tpl/foo.html']
. This made the link tag work in page.gsp <link rel="import" href="${resource(plugin: 'my-app-name', dir: 'tpl', file: 'foo.html')}"/>