My program below isn't taking input using getchar()
. Instead, it ends after printing, "want to continue??(press y for yes and press n to reenter)"
. It doesn't take input after typing n
or N
void main(){
int i,arr[]={55,10,23,11,35,8,9,20},n;
char a;
printf("Given array is:\n");
printf("%d ",arr[i]);
printf("\nEnter position where you want to insert element:");
printf("You entered position %d \n",n);
printf("want to continue ??(press y for yes and press n to reenter)");
} while(a=='n' || a=='N');
according to reference:getchar()
Returns the next character from the standard input (stdin).
Note that the standard input is a buffered I/O, so getchar() reads the first char in input buffer
when in scanf("%d",&n);
you will input an int and a newline, then getchar() just read the newline
use scanf("%d\n", &n);
instead, or as @BLUEPIXY said, add a getchar();
before a = getchar();
more detailed explanations about input buffer: Flush the input buffer