I've learned a lot about Erlang the last couple of days and am familiar with component entity systems.
With the process centric approach of Erlang I would suggest that each entity would be an Erlang process instance. As for the CES (Component Entity System) approach I would have a process for like a "MovementSystem" for entities that own a MovementComponent (for example). I would then with tail-recursion "iterate" over all registered entities and send them messages to let them update their own process state rather than doing that as batch-processing by the MovementSystem itself... (what I then wouldn't call an entity system anymore, because in my understanding a CES has all information of all entity and components it is processing, which would mean "shared memory", which is by concept not part of Erlang)
Are those two approaches/paradigms - Erlang and "Component Entity System" - excluding each other, or am I missing something?
(I wouldn't even call this prototype on GitHub (https://gist.github.com/sntran/2986790) a real Component Entity System. This approach there looks more that the Entity-System, it rather looks to me as an gen_event based MQ-approach, for which I would probably use RabbitMQ instead... but that's not relevant here...)
Right now I don't see how these two concepts are even possible to get combined...
Okay, I did further research...
-> https://stackoverflow.com/a/1637134/3850640 This answer to another question to erlang explained it pretty well to me
One thing Erlang isn't really good at: processing big blocks of data.
Where a CES by nature handles a lot of data at once...
So, my answer would be "Yes, it is possible, but not a pretty good choice"...