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the web service does not work anymore

In my application I must use a routing web service and I use OSRM Server API

I don't know why but until yesterday morming the Server-api works. Now it doesn't work and It gives me a bad request"+p.getLat()+","+p.getLon()+"&loc="+d.getLat()+","+d.getLon(); I use java and REST protocol

String sito=""+p.getLat()+","+p.getLon()+"&loc="+d.getLat()+","+d.getLon()";
       Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();

                WebTarget target =;

                Response res = target.request().get();


I Obtain the "BAD GATEWAY"


  • Looking in firebug in the link provided by @scai, you can see the Content-Encoding == gzip. You should set the Accept-Encoding header. You can do that with the convenience chain method acceptEncoding, on the InvocationBuilder. So do something like

        WebTarget target =;
        String response = target.request()

    Not sure the JAX-RS client library you're using, but the stadard Client API doesn't come with any filters/interceptors to decode the gzip, but if you're using Jersey client, then you can register the GZipEncoder with the client.


    Tested and this works fine for me. Had the same problem as you before making the above changes.

    If you're not working with Jersey, I'm sure what ever implementation you are using should have some GZIP filter. I know Resteasy does. If your implementation doesn't have one, you can always use Java's GZIPInputStream to wrap the response stream

    Response response = target.request()
    GZIPInputStream is = new GZIPInputStream(