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Database for Sencha Touch + Phonegap Application

Hi currently i'm using LocalStorage in my Sencha Touch + Phonegap in my application and loaded with more than 4000+ records get from WCF Rest . During development mode i have no problem running it in Google Chrome but when i packaged it and installed in iOS8 device my application crashes.

Below is the total localStorage lenght in console:

> 2917665


Ext.define("QualityAudit.model.DefectMatrix", {
    extend: "",
    config: {
        identifier: { type: 'uuid', isUnique: true },
        fields: [
                { name: "DefectMatrixID", type: "integer" },
                { name: "CustomerID", type: "integer" },
                { name: "CustomerName", type: "string" },
                { name: "DefectType", type: "integer" },
                { name: "DefectTypeName", type: "string" },
                { name: "Reference", type: "string" },
                { name: "Section", type: "string" },
                { name: "DefectDescription", type: "string" },
                { name: "SeverityID", type: "integer" },
                { name: "SeverityName", type: "string" },
                { name: "IsActive", type: "bool" },
                { name: "CreatedBy", type: "string" },
                { name: "CreatedDate", type: 'date', dateFormat: 'MS' }


 defectSync: function (counter, totRecords, callback) {
    var me = this;
    if (counter == undefined)
        counter = 0;

    //load defect matrix local local storage

    var defectsLocalStore = Ext.getStore('DefectMatrix');

        var defectssurl = window.REST_DMGetListAllPaging + counter;
        QualityAudit.util.Proxy.doAjaxCall(defectssurl, '',
        function (response) {

            var data = Ext.JSON.decode(response.responseText); //encode Json List

                callback: function (records, operation, success) {
                    Ext.Array.each(data, function (record) {
                        record.dirty = true;

                    console.log('DECFECT DATA AFTER SYNC: ' + defectsLocalStore.getData().length);

                    //Check if all records  loaded on local storage is equail to total defect rows then complete
                    if (defectsLocalStore.getData().length >= totRecords) {
                        console.log('defect loading successfull');
                    } else {
                        //Trigger again until condition is met
                        me.defectSync(counter, totRecords, callback);

                scope: this

        function (response) {


Does anyone tried using webSQL or SQLlite in your projects? I cant find any good sample on this.

Any help and suggestions is really appreciated.


  • I use SQLite in nearly every of my project. IMHO the best plugin is Cordova/PhoneGap SQLitePlugin.

    You find some examples on the page, how to use the plugin and how to use SQLite in cordova.