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Aspect on super interface method implemented in abstract super class

I have a problem quite similar to: How to create an aspect on an Interface Method that extends from A "Super" Interface, but my save method is in an abstract super class.

The structure is as follows -


public interface SuperServiceInterface {
    ReturnObj save(ParamObj);

public interface ServiceInterface extends SuperServiceInterface {


public abstract class SuperServiceImpl implements SuperServiceInterface {
    public ReturnObj save(ParamObj) {

public class ServiceImpl implements ServiceInterface extends SuperServiceImpl {

I want to inspect any calls made to the method.

The pointcut I have currently looks like this:

@Around("within( && execution(* save(..))")
public Object pointCut(final ProceedingJoinPoint call) throws Throwable {

It gets triggered when the save method is put into the ServiceImpl, but not when it is in the SuperServiceImpl. What am I missing in my around pointcut?


  • I just want to pointcut on the ServiceInterface, if I do it on SuperServiceInterface wouldn't it also intercept save calls on interfaces that also inherit from SuperServiceInterface?

    Yes, but you can avoid that by restricting the target() type to ServiceInterface as follows:

    @Around("execution(* save(..)) && target(serviceInterface)")
    public Object pointCut(ProceedingJoinPoint thisJoinPoint, ServiceInterface serviceInterface)
        throws Throwable
        return thisJoinPoint.proceed();