In my pom.xml
, I have the following profile :
I am running tomcat with the following command from my command line:
mvn clean tomcat7:run -Plocal
Everything works great except when I edit and save my java files (using intellij) nothing happens. The app doesn't reload at all. I have tried waiting and refreshing, but nothing has worked.
Any ideas?
Here is my web.xml
<web-app xmlns=""
<display-name>Archetype Created Web Application</display-name>
Well it was a simple fix. Ill share it if anyone has the same problem. The problem was Intellij was not compiling the java files.
To get this to work, I had to go Build->Compile... (ctrl+Shift+F9)
Or, you can go to File ->Settings->Compiler->make project automatically
and Intellij will do it automatically.