I asked this question earlier today, and then deleted it, cause I thought I found an answer that was too obvious to post on here. Basically, how do you change something like this in dist/index.html:
<script src="assets/my.js"></script>
to something like this:
<script src="http://my.assets.com/assets/my.js"></script>
I instantly realized that I can just set the src in app/index.html and it will appear in dist/index.html.
But now I'm realizing that there's a better, if slightly more complex, solution - one that allows different settings in different environments. So I am re-adding the question and posting the answer below.
The solution requires ember-cli-inline-content
global require, module, process;
if (process.env.EMBER_ENV === 'development') {
app.options.inlineContent = {
assetPrefix: {
content: 'http://my.assets.com/'
<script src="{{content-for 'assetPrefix'}}assets/my.js"></script>