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How to properly implement a glass pane in Java?

I'm attempting to add a fancy InfiniteProgressPanel as a GlassPane for my big Swing program. However, it does not appear. It looks similar to this:

InfiniteProgressPanel glassPane = new InfiniteProgressPanel();

I believe it is running in the same thread as the long process it is meant to cover up. I'll admit, I don't know nearly enough about threads, and I should probably figure out how to run that InfiniteProgressPanel GlassPane in a separate thread, and the long process in its own thread, too.


  • Be sure to:

    • Run all long running code in a background thread. This is a must.

      Sounds great! How do I do so? Encapsulate all of the long-running code inside of an .invokeLater method? And should that be SwingUtilities.invokeLater or EventQueue.invokeLater? And what's the difference, anyway?

      • No, by using SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new MyRunnable) you're doing exactly the opposite -- you're guaranteeing that the long-running code will be called on the Swing event thread -- the exact opposite of what you want. Instead use a SwingWorker's doInBackground() method to run the long-running code. Regarding your second point, there's no difference whatsoever between SwingUtilities.invokeLater and EventQueue.invokeLater.
    • Make most all Swing calls on the Swing event thread, also a must.

      Fantastic! Again, how do I do so? Same thing as above?

      • By using SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new MyRunnable) as noted above, or if you're using a SwingWorker then use its publish/process method pair as the SwingWorker tutorial will show you.
    • Call setVisible(true) on your glass pane since per the JRootPane API, all glasspanes are by default invisible.

      Romain Guy's InfiniteProgressPanel doesn't seem to need a setVisible(true). It appears when the InfiniteProgressPanel.start() method is called.

      • I am not familiar with this, do you have a link?