How can I update an existing row's id
(autoincrement) field to give it the value that would normally be automatically assigned to a new insert (i.e., highest id + 1)? states:
"...You can also explicitly assign 0 to the column to generate sequence numbers."
But this doesn't appear to be true. I've tried assigning a value of 0 and it does just that.. asigns a value of 0.
I've considered deleting and re-inserting the row but this seems messy.
Also tried:
UPDATE example_table
SET id = (SELECT id+1 FROM example_table ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1)
WHERE id = 1000;
Which returns the error: You can't specify target table 'example_table' for update in FROM clause
UPDATE example_table SET id = max(id)+1 WHERE id = 1000;
Which returns the error: Invalid use of group function
This seems like it should be easy... what am I missing?
MySQL doesn't allow using table being updated in a from clause. you can have it as sub query
UPDATE example_table
SET id= (SELECT maxId
FROM (SELECT MAX(id) + 1 AS maxId
FROM example_table
) t
WHERE id = 1000;