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Where is jetty-all-server for 9.x?

We're upgrading the jetty version from 8.x to 9.x in our project.

It was org.eclipse.jetty.aggregate:jetty-all-server:8.1.7.v20120910

But for 9.x, I can't find jetty-all-server anymore, instead, I found org.eclipse.jetty.aggregate:jetty-all:9.2.7.v20150116, notice the package name has changed to jetty-all

So I wonder is jetty-all-server stopped at 8.x and it changes the name to jetty-all at 9.x? Or there will be new jetty-all-server at 9.x in the future?


  • There is no such thing as jetty-all-server for Jetty 9.

    Seeing as there are so many components of Jetty that are, in fact, conflicting with each other, the whole aggregate concept is really not viable any more. The introduction of npn/alpn for the spdy/http2 support also makes the aggregate impossible due to bootclasspath requirements.

    The choices for the jetty group with aggregates are to either make every permutation of aggregates (currently standing at over 400 different combinations) or none.

    We left jetty-all as a helpful one for use in the jetty-documentation for the getting started / introduction to Jetty phases, but it is absolutely inappropriate for production use.

    Use a build tool (maven, gradle, ivy, buildr, grape, sbt, leinengen, eclipse, intellij, netbeans, make, shell script, etc..) and add the components from standard jetty to your project. You can even make an aggregate of your own.