I'm trying to figure out if GWT 2.7.0 would compile against Errai 3.1.1.Final
My finding shows that it seems it won't compile. For I have an app with these versions:
And that it compiles fine. The error with the 2.7.0 compilation is this:
[INFO] Rule did not match
[INFO] Found better fallback match for <replace-with class='com.google.gwt.logging.impl.LoggerImplSevere'/>
[INFO] Checking rule <replace-with class='com.google.gwt.logging.impl.LoggerImplRegular'/>
[INFO] Checking if all subconditions are true (<all>)
[INFO] <when-type-is class='com.google.gwt.logging.impl.LoggerImplNull'/>
[INFO] Not an exact match
[INFO] No: One or more subconditions was false
[INFO] Rule did not match
[INFO] Found better fallback match for <replace-with class='com.google.gwt.logging.impl.LoggerImplRegular'/>
[INFO] Checking rule <replace-with class='com.google.gwt.logging.impl.LevelImplRegular'/>
[INFO] Checking if all subconditions are true (<all>)
[INFO] <when-type-is class='com.google.gwt.logging.impl.LevelImplNull'/>
[INFO] Not an exact match
[INFO] No: One or more subconditions was false
[INFO] Rule did not match
[INFO] Found better fallback match for <replace-with class='com.google.gwt.logging.impl.LevelImplRegular'/>
[INFO] Rebind result was com.google.gwt.http.client.Request.RequestImpl
[INFO] Shutting down PersistentUnitCache thread
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 40.520 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-01-23T11:37:03+08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 23M/328M
According to the release notes, 3.1.1.Final should work with 2.7.0: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12310890&version=12326327