I have a form textbox having focusout event on it. when the textbox loses focus, a confirm box pops, ask for "Ok" or "Cancel".
If user click Ok, form submits. How to do to accomplish this?
I tried this, but no luck:
$('#item_new').focusout(function() {
confirm("add this item?");
'Confirm submit': function() {
Cancel: function() {
please advise.
When you decompose your code, you'll see that the confirm and rest are not linked at all.
Here is some code that can help:
// ask the user and keep his/her choice
var ok = window.confirm('add this item?');
// here, the 'ok' variable will be 'true' if OK was clicked,
// false otherwise
if( ok ) {
// do the submit action.
// replace '<id_of_the_form_to_submit>' with the id of the form
See this jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/arnaudj/c6z44mr9/
note that the window.confirm
call will make a basic browser-specific confirmation popup pop and that you cannot "decorate" as you want with style.