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AngularJS : undefined is not a function from factory

I have multiple functions inside of my factory and I cannot call my saveCharacter function from a button click using ng-click. The getCharacters function works just fine. Sorry in advance for the repost, I have gone over many different examples and cannot solve my particular issue with those. I can see my functions when I log the xmlService, but i'm not sure why it won't call to it. I was trying to return a post to a PHP file in saveCharacter, but changed to a string return to try to test to see what my issue was.

Thanks again for any help.


var app = angular.module('arena', []);

app.factory('xmlService', function($http){

    var factory = {};

    factory.getCharacter = function getCharacter(){         
        return $http.get('xml/characterTemplate.xml');
    factory.saveCharacter = function saveCharacter(){
        return "hello";
        //return $'php/crud.php');

    return factory;


app.controller('FighterController', ['$scope','xmlService', function($scope, xmlService){
    this.fighterList = fighterList;

    $scope.saveFighter = function saveFighter(){

    function loadFighters(){

            var x2js = new X2JS(); 
            var charactersList  = x2js.xml_str2json(data);

            for(var i = 0; i < charactersList.characters.character.length; i++)
                var currentFighter = charactersList.characters.character[i];

            $scope.FighterController = charactersList;

var fighterList = [


Other questions I had while writing my first Angular app, what is the point of the code:

$scope.FighterController = charactersList;

does that allow me to access the returned data on the view side? do I have to reset the scope in my saveFighter function to cause my button to work?

Am I setting the dependencies correctly for my app.controller, and is that dependency injection?

Thank you all, and any comments on how my code is setup are greatly appreciated!


  • You haven't really explained what you did to fix this issue, so I'll explain it.

    Here, you are trying to call xmlService.saveCharacter.success():


    But xmlService.saveCharacter is a function. It has no success property; success is undefined. So this gives the error you were seeing.

    You need to call xmlService.saveCharacter():


    But this is still a problem because the saveCharacter() function returns the string "hello". This string doesn't have a success property. Yet again success is undefined, so now that causes the same error.

    To fix that error, you just need to remove the return "hello"; and uncomment the code you had commented out:

    factory.saveCharacter = function saveCharacter(){
        return $'php/crud.php');

    Fixing those two problems should remedy your issue.