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Java: 4 bytes to 32 bit integer

Im trying to understand the following piece of code:

int omgezetteTijd =
((0xFF & rekenOmNaarTijdArray[0]) << 24) | ((0xFF & rekenOmNaarTijdArray[1]) << 16) |((0xFF & rekenOmNaarTijdArray[2]) << 8) | (0xFF & rekenOmNaarTijdArray[3]);

What I do not understand is why do you AND it with OxFF, you're ANDING an 8 bit value with 8 bits like so (11111111), so this should give you the same result.

But, when I do not AND it with OxFF I'm getting negative values? Cant figure out why this is happening?


  • When you or a byte with an int the byte will be promoted to an int. By default this is done with sign extension. In other words:

                               //                      sign bit
                               //                         v
    byte b = -1;               //                         11111111 = -1
    int i = (int) b;           // 11111111111111111111111111111111 = -1
                               // \______________________/
                               //      sign extension

    By doing & 0xFF you prevent this. I.e.

                               //                      sign bit
                               //                         v
    byte b = -1;               //                         11111111 = -1
    int i = (int) (0xFF & b);  // 00000000000000000000000011111111 = 255
                               // \______________________/
                               //     no sign extension