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ajax login form doesn't work

I am trying to pass user's info from mysql to the webpage, if the user has logged in but can't get it to work. If I put a wrong email or password it will show the error message but if the credentials are ok it would do anything...

on php file:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE email='$l_email' AND password='$l_password'";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die ('Error: ' . mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($query);
if($num_rows < 1)
    echo "You have entered a wrong email or password!";
else {
$memberInfo = array();
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $query ) )
    $memberInfo[] = $row;
return $memberInfo;
echo json_encode( $memberInfo );
//echo "1";

on js file:

 $.post("./includes/checkOut.php",{ l_email1: l_email, l_password1: l_password },
          function(data) {
            var memberInfo = jQuery.parseJSON(memberInfo);
            for( var i in memberInfo )
            var f_name = memberInfo[i].f_name;
            var l_name = memberInfo[i].l_name;
            var phone = memberInfo[i].phone;


  • If you use return outside a function then it terminates the script at that point. This is exactly what you're doing here:

    return $memberInfo;
    echo json_encode( $memberInfo );
    //echo "1";

    You need to remove the return statement.

    You should also add a Content-type: header to the response to tell the browser to expect JSON:

    echo json_encode( $memberInfo );

    Your Javascript code is checking the response for the value 1, which you're not sending, so the code that updates the display won't execute.


    • don't store passwords unencrypted - use password_hash()
    • don't use mysql as it's deprecated - use mysqli or PDO
    • ensure you escape your inputs before passing them to the database (or better, use prepared statements (not supported by mysql_*()).