I am having trouble with the MySQL C++ Connector... My problem is I have a query : UPDATE characters SET name = 'myNameIs' WHERE characregistra = 'MyguidIs'
characters is the table, name a column, characregistra too. I try to put the myNameIs value into name when I found in the column characregistra the value "MyguisIs". It works, but without try{]catch{], it crashes. I tried to get the error with a sql::SQLException, but no way, nothing in printed...
Thanks in advance.
EDIT : forgot to put the code :
void renameCharac(std::string guid, std::string pseudo)
sql::Statement *declaration;
declaration = connection->createStatement(); // Connection is declared
declaration->executeQuery("UPDATE characters SET name = '" + pseudo + "' WHERE characregistra = '" + guid + "'");
delete declaration;
catch (sql::SQLException e)
std::cout << e.what();
Finaly I did it like that :
void renameCharac(std::string guid, std::string pseudo)
sql::Statement *declaration;
declaration = connection->createStatement();
declaration->executeUpdate("UPDATE characters SET name = '" + pseudoChoisi + "' WHERE characregistra = '" + guid + "'");
delete declaration;
It works.