I'd like to consume the following URL in my Google Apps Script:
Using the typical response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText()
doesn't really work, it just returns the JSON surrounded by callback()
. Is there a way to consume JSONP with Google Apps Script?
function myFunction() {
* Get EMR Prices
function getEmrPricingData_() {
var emr_url = "http://a0.awsstatic.com/pricing/1/emr/pricing-mapr.min.js"
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(emr_url).getContentText();
You need to define the function callback() in your code, and eval() your JSONP response to execute that function. For example to handle JSONP responses on a project of mine I created this function:
function callback(data){
return data;
and in my request function:
var result = eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + uri, options).getContentText());