Test mapping of XML data to/from a java object(s) using dozer.
That is, given a sample XML file , map this to new java classes with appropriate get/set methods for the various elements
A sample XML file is given below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<cXML payloadID="1272549644772.1050674118.000000197@2Vmg9c/TnwT1ZqGdAuiHQvbDmNc=" timestamp="2010-04-29T07:00:44-07:00" version="1.2.020">
<Credential domain="Test_Code">
<Credential domain="Test_Code">
<Credential domain="AribaNetworkUserId">
<Identity>[email protected]</Identity>
<UserAgent>Sender Application 1.0</UserAgent>
I need to map this to new java class
Please help me.
Basic dozer
mapping is really easy, if the attributes have same name / type it will map auto:
If you have some different named attributes:
For more info you can find in the user guide and examples of XML mappings