i am using pnotify alert jquery in my project. i am trying to set focus on ok button when dialog box popup. so that user can simply hit enter or space bar to close the dialog box. but unable to do that.
This is link of pnotify
My code -
function AlertAskOk(Heading, Message, type, okclick) {
var modal_overlay;
info_box = $.pnotify({
title: Heading,
text: Message,
type: type,
buttons: 'ok',
okclick: okclick,
icon: "picon picon-object-order-raise",
delay: 20000,
history: false,
stack: false,
// nonblock: true,
before_open: function (pnotify) {
// $("btn-inverse").focus();
// Position this notice in the center of the screen.
"top": ($(window).height() / 2) - (pnotify.height() / 2),
"left": ($(window).width() / 2) - (pnotify.width() / 2)
// Make a modal screen overlay.
modal_overlay = $("<div />", {
"class": "ui-widget-overlay",
"css": {
"display": "none",
"position": "fixed",
"top": "0",
"width": "5000px",
"bottom": "0",
"right": "0",
"left": "0",
"cursor": "pointer"
after_open: function (ui) {
$(".btn", ui.container).focus();
before_close: function () {
Use after_open
callback. Check this demo.
new PNotify({
after_open: function (notify) {
$(".btn-class", notify.container).focus();