I have 3 wars in one EAR. Once user clicks on a link in a page, control goes to bean and business logic decides where user will be navigated. Resulting page can be in any of the three wars.
Also i need requesting URL so that I can navigate user back to requesting page if they decide to click on cancel link.
I can navigate using JSF by defining navigation in faces-config.xml e.g:
But this navigation is limited for navigation between pages inside single war.
2nd option is using faces redirect which can redirect even on 3rd party server URL's
e.g: FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().redirect('login.xhtml')
Using 2nd option i cannot retrieve requesting URL using below code
My question is, Is their any 3rd option where I can navigate to pages into another war(having JSF configuration's) and can also get requesting URL as well.
Let me know if anything else is required.
You can't use JSF navigation cases to go to pages in a different application context. So sending a redirect is the only option. If you'd like to pass additional parameters along with the redirect, then pass them as request query string parameters:
String from = request.getRequestURL().toString();
externalContext.redirect("/othercontext/login.xhtml?from=" + URLEncoder.encode(from, "UTF-8"));
The other application can then just redirect back as follows:
String from = request.getParameter("from");