I'm trying to reuse a subform by calling it with different datanodes, e.g. by clicking a trigger that changes the xpath expression and then loads the subform.
To do that, I created a binding element but I can't make it change dynamically. I know how to change the instance nodes values, so I make my bind element to point to a node, but it doesn't work. Something like this:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<xf:model xmlns="">
<configuration uri="/tmp/props"/>
<prop id="demo id 1" value="demo value1"/>
<prop id="demo id 2" value="demo value2"/>
<xf:bind id="dynamicNodeset" nodeset="string(/tmp/configuration/@uri)"/>
<xf:repeat bind="dynamicNodeset">
<xf:output ref="prop/@id"/>
<xf:input ref="prop/@value" class="xforms-value"/>
I also tryed this with no success:
<xf:bind id="dynamicNodeset" nodeset="/tmp/configuration/@uri[string()]"/>
Any idea how can I achieve this?
And also via Js:
function changeBinding(modelId, bindId, newNodeset){
var model = document.getElementById(modelId).xfElement;
model.binds[0].nodeset = newNodeset;
Thanks in advance.
There is no evaluate function in XPath 1.0 but, as a workaround, if the variable part of the expression is limited, you can always use just a predicate to select the corresponding element such as in /tmp/*[name() = substring-after(/tmp/configuration/@uri, '/tmp/)]