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Using XPath in node.js

I am building a little document parser in node.js. To test, I have a raw HTML file, that is generally downloaded from the real website when the application executes.

I want to extract the first code example from each section of the Console.WriteLine that matches my constraint - it has to be written in C#. To do that, I have this sample XPath:


If I test the XPath online, I get the expected results, which is in this Gist.

In my node.js application, I am using xmldom and xpath to try and parse that exact same information out:

var exampleLookup = `//*[@id='System_Console_WriteLine_System_String_System_Object_System_Object_System_Object_']/parent::div/following-sibling::div/pre[position()>1]/code[contains(@class,'lang-csharp')]`;
var doc = new dom().parseFromString(rawHtmlString, 'text/html');
var sampleNodes =,doc);

This does not return anything, however.

What might be going on here?


  • This is most likely caused by the default namespace (xmlns="") in your HTML (XHTML).

    Looking at the xpath docs, you should be able to bind the namespace to a prefix using useNamespaces and use the prefix in your xpath (untested)...

    var exampleLookup = `//*[@id='System_Console_WriteLine_System_String_System_Object_System_Object_System_Object_']/parent::x:div/following-sibling::x:div/x:pre[position()>1]/x:code[contains(@class,'lang-csharp')]`;
    var doc = new dom().parseFromString(rawHtmlString, 'text/html');
    var select = xpath.useNamespaces({"x": ""});
    var sampleNodes =,doc);

    Instead of binding the namespace to a prefix, you could also use local-name() in your XPath, but I wouldn't recommend it. This is also covered in the docs.

