I need to use dynamical arrays in Fortran 90 for cases when I can't predict exact size of array initially. So I wrote a code, which should expand allocatable array each time new element is added to the end of array:
subroutine DArray()
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: list
list(1) = 1.1
call AddToList(list, 2.2)
call AddToList(list, 3.2)
call AddToList(list, 4.2)
call AddToList(list, 5.2)
print *, list(1)
print *, list(2)
print *, list(3)
print *, list(4)
print *, list(5)
subroutine AddToList(list, element)
double precision :: element
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: list
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: clist
if(allocated(list)) then
isize = size(list)
do i=1,isize
clist(i) = list(i)
end do
clist(i+1) = element
do i=1,isize+1
list(i) = clist(i)
end do
end if
So does anyone see if I missing something here?
Solved by francescalus.
Working code for double precision dynamical arrays is:
module DynamicalArrays
subroutine AddToList(list, element)
integer :: i, isize
double precision, intent(in) :: element
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(inout) :: list
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: clist
if(allocated(list)) then
isize = size(list)
do i=1,isize
clist(i) = list(i)
end do
clist(isize+1) = element
call move_alloc(clist, list)
list(1) = element
end if
end subroutine AddToList
end module DynamicalArrays
The demo subroutine, from which array can be filled would be:
subroutine UserDArrayTest()
use DynamicalArrays
integer :: i
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: list
double precision :: temp
temp = 0.1
do i=1,10
temp = temp+1
call AddToList(list, temp)
end do
do i=1,10
print *, i, list(i)
end do
Note that it's best to keep module code in the separate file, but I also find out that it works when module code is above main program and subroutine codes.
I suspect, looking at an artefact, that you noticed the problem - but quickly moved on.
The suspicious line, to me is:
Why isn't the new size isize+1
? I guess that you tried that, but then the program failed.
Seeing why the program failed (possibly crashed) is key to why you aren't getting the correct result. Look closely at the loop (print statement removed for clarity).
do i=1,isize
clist(i) = list(i)
end do
clist(i+1) = element
You want to say "copy all elements from list to clist, then append element". Which is correct. However
do i=1,isize
clist(i) = list(i)
end do
! Here, i=isize+1
clist(i+1) = element
! Which means
! clist(isize+2) = element.
In summary, after the loop the loop index variable doesn't have the value it had in the final iteration.