I have a subroutine that's essentially a logger. It takes in a required string, as well as two optional parameters that it formats.
Here's a simplified version. Currently this fails when writing to action_local
subroutine log(required_param, action, idx)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: required_param
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: action
integer, intent(in), optional :: idx
character(:), allocatable :: action_local
10 format(A, A, I)
if (present(action) .and. present(idx)) then
write(action_local, 10) ' ', action, idx ! fails: action_local is not allocated
action_local = ''
end if
print *, required_param // action_local
end subroutine
Ideally I wouldn't guess at the size required - I'd just let the output of the write statement allocate what it needs. Is there a way to write to an allocatable character
without allocating it ahead of time?
In a Fortran 2023 write statement, an internal file which is an allocatable deferred-length scalar character variable is defined according to the rules of intrinsic assignment. This includes first allocating it to the correct length if required.
That is, in the form of the question
write(action_local, 10) ' ', action, idx
the action_local
is the internal file, and it's indeed scalar, allocatable and deferred-length. There is no need to allocate it before the data transfter statement.
You don't have a Fortran 2023 compiler.
You will need to allocate its length first (such as in your own answer) or manually use intrinsic assignment (such as using the various techniques found in answer elsewhere).