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Why to Use Explicit Interface Implementation To Invoke a Protected Method?

When browsing ASP.NET MVC source code in codeplex, I found it is common to have a class explicitly implementing interface. The explicitly implemented method/property then invoke another "protected virtual" method/property with same name.

For example,

public class MvcHandler : IHttpHandler, IRequiresSessionState 
    protected virtual bool IsReusable 
           return false;

    bool IHttpHandler.IsReusable 
           return IsReusable;

I'm now sure what's the benefit of this kind of programming. For me, I prefer to just implicitly implement the interface IHttpHandler.

I guess the author just don't want MvcHandler has a public property IsResuable. The property IsReusable can only be used when instance of MvcHandler is treated as a IHttpHandler. Still, I'm not sure why the author what this way.

Anybody know more benefits about this style of interface implementation?


  • Well, not specific to MVC, but this approach allows you to keep the core public API clean. It is also useful if there is ever a risk of different interfaces / etc having the same name & signature, but different meaning. In reality this is rare.

    It also allows you to provide an implementation where you want the return type to change in subclasses:

    (ICloneable chosen for simplicity - don't get hung up on the fact that it is a poorly defined interface... a better example would have been things like DbCommand etc, which do this - but that is harder to show in a short example)

    class Foo : ICloneable
        public Foo Clone() { return CloneCore(); }
        object ICloneable.Clone() { return CloneCore(); }
        protected virtual Foo CloneCore() { ... }
    class Bar : Foo
        protected override Foo CloneCore() { ... }
        public new Bar Clone() { return (Bar)CloneCore(); }

    If we had used a public virtual method, we wouldn't be able to override it and use new in the base-class, as you aren't allowed to do both:

    class A
        public virtual A SomeMethod() { ... }
    class B : A
        public override A SomeMethod() { ... }
        //Error 1   Type 'B' already defines a member called 'SomeMethod' with the same parameter types
        public new B SomeMethod() { ... }

    Using the protected virtual approach, any usage:

    • Foo.Clone()
    • Bar.Clone()
    • ICloneable.Clone()

    all use the correct CloneCore() implementation for the concrete type.