I'm trying to convert this C# code to Python (2.7). The problem is that the result of the decryption is wrong with the python code. IV and key is correct.
I found many subjects that talk about Python and C# but i didn't found an answer.
C# encryption:
class Tracer
private static readonly int BlockBitSize = 128;
private static readonly int KeyBitSize = 256;
internal static byte[] In(byte[] plainBytes, byte[] uid)
using (var sha = new SHA512Managed())
var hash = sha.ComputeHash(uid);
return In(plainBytes, hash.Skip(32).Take(32).ToArray(), hash.Take(16).ToArray());
internal static byte[] In(byte[] plainBytes, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
if (key == null || key.Length != KeyBitSize / 8)
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Key needs to be {0} bit!", KeyBitSize), "key");
if (iv == null || iv.Length != BlockBitSize / 8)
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("IV needs to be {0} bit!", BlockBitSize), "iv");
using (AesManaged aes = new AesManaged())
aes.KeySize = KeyBitSize;
aes.BlockSize = BlockBitSize;
aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
using (ICryptoTransform encrypter = aes.CreateEncryptor(key, iv))
using (MemoryStream cipherStream = new MemoryStream())
using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(cipherStream, encrypter, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
cryptoStream.Write(plainBytes, 0, plainBytes.Length);
return cipherStream.ToArray();
internal static byte[] Out(byte[] cipherBytes, byte[] uid)
using (var sha = new SHA512Managed())
var hash = sha.ComputeHash(uid);
return Out(cipherBytes, hash.Skip(32).Take(32).ToArray(), hash.Take(16).ToArray());
internal static byte[] Out(byte[] cipherBytes, byte[] key, byte[] iv)
if (key == null || key.Length != KeyBitSize / 8)
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Key needs to be {0} bit!", KeyBitSize), "key");
if (iv == null || iv.Length != BlockBitSize / 8)
throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("IV needs to be {0} bit!", BlockBitSize), "iv");
using (AesManaged aes = new AesManaged())
aes.KeySize = KeyBitSize;
aes.BlockSize = BlockBitSize;
aes.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
aes.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
using (ICryptoTransform decrypter = aes.CreateDecryptor(key, iv))
using (MemoryStream plainStream = new MemoryStream())
using (var decrypterStream = new CryptoStream(plainStream, decrypter, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(decrypterStream))
//Decrypt Cipher Text from Message
binaryWriter.Write(cipherBytes, 0, cipherBytes.Length);
//Return Plain Text
return plainStream.ToArray();
Python decryption
def AESdecrypt(ciphertext, UID):
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
digest = hashlib.sha512(UID).hexdigest()
iv = BitArray(hex=digest[:32])
key = BitArray(hex=digest[64:128])
block40Str = BitArray(hex=ciphertext[1].encode('hex'))
cipherSpec = AES.new(key.bytes, AES.MODE_CBC, iv.bytes)
plaintextWithPadding = cipherSpec.decrypt(block40Str.bytes)
Note : Sorry for my english
Thanks for your help !
EDIT : AES decryption in Python return 64 characters, that is wrong. The original plaintext is 32.
EDIT2: Python code updated. The decrypt function return now 32 characters, but still doing wrong
The digest used to generate the key and the iv was generated with the correct data but in string. Conversely, C# generate the digest with a ByteArray of the data. Thanks to the BitArray Python library , i solve my problem :
New Python code :
def AESdecrypt(ciphertext, UID):
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
UIDBytes = BitArray(hex=UID)
digest = hashlib.sha512(UIDBytes.bytes).hexdigest()
iv = BitArray(hex=digest[:32])
key = BitArray(hex=digest[64:128])
cipherSpec = AES.new(key.bytes, AES.MODE_CBC, iv.bytes)
plaintextWithoutPadding = cipherSpec.decrypt(ciphertext[1])