How can I convert this function (into Clojurescript) that takes a JavaScript object and pushes it's contents into an array.
function toKeyValueList(obj) {
var arr = [];
for (var key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
key: key,
value: obj[key]
return arr;
(defn toKeyValueList [obj]
The following would be the ClojureScript equivalent:
(defn key-value [obj]
(loop [acc [] ks (.keys js/Object obj)]
(if (seq ks)
(recur (conj acc (clj->js {(first ks) (aget obj (first ks))})) (rest ks))
(clj->js acc))))
or alternatively using reduce
instead of loop/recur:
(defn key-value [obj]
(reduce (fn [acc k]
(conj acc (clj->js {k (aget obj k)})))
(.keys js/Object obj))))