I'm currently coding a kind of plugin in JS. I've just learnt about objects, and I'm kind of annoyed by the fact that I can't access variables set within the constructor, two or more levels up. Here's what I mean:
var myConstructor = function()
this.one = "one";
this.two = "two";
this.publicMethod = function()
console.log("I can access: ", this.one);
var privateMethod = function()
console.log("I cannot access var two like this: ", this.two);
var myObject = new myConstructor();
myObject.one = 1;
myObject.two = 2;
So, how could I make privateMethod
access the variables that are set within the constructor? In the same manner that publicMethod uses this
to do so. Is this possible? Thank you very much.
Try this.
var myConstructor = function()
this.one = "one";
this.two = "two";
this.publicMethod = function()
// new variable
_two = this.two;
console.log("I can access: ", this.one);
var privateMethod = function()
console.log("I cannot access var two like this: ", _two);