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Warning: Shipping method required - OpenCart

Ran into this problem a while back. Been scouring the web, OpenCart forums, StackOverflow for weeks now trying to get this sorted.

![enter image description here][1] [1]:

Basically I took Flat Shipping module and made a copy of it. Renamed every instance of module name and got myself another flat rate shipping module.

Only problem is that I get this warning which doesn't throw any errors. This seems to be a fairly common problem but every solution that I found didn't help me.

I noticed that if I enable Free shipping module I can select it no warnings. But when I go to select my custom shipping module I get a warning.

If anyone has a solution or what else I can check I'd appreciate the tip.

I am working with OpenCart


  • This is almost certainly going to be due to your model file for your shipping method. Make sure that you've given the new method code for the items. For example, the original shipping method would use flat.flat which if you view the HTML for the radio on your site you'll see what yours is. Basically if your new one is then make sure you've set this accordingly in your model file