I have a list of cards and they have a imageicon, i have all my cards painted on the deck, and i can move them with mousePressed and mouseDragged, now i want to bring a card to front when i click on it, a card that is behind other cards, when i click it moves to the front of all cards. how do i do this?
here is my mousepressed code :
int x = e.getX(); // Save the x coord of the click
int y = e.getY(); // Save the y coord of the click
//... Find card image this is in. Check from top down.
_currentCard = null; // Assume not in any image.
for (int crd=_deck.length-1; crd>=0; crd--) {
Card testCard = _deck[crd];
if (testCard.contains(x, y)) {
//... Found, remember this card for dragging.
_dragFromX = x - testCard.getX(); // how far from left
_dragFromY = x - testCard.getY(); // how far from top
_currentCard = testCard; // Remember what we're dragging.
break; // Stop when we find the first match.
Use an ArrayList
and remove the selected card from the list and add it back at the top. Then paint the cards in the order of the list.