i created the following regex for finding a url matching a word in the complete path and that does't contain the point character.
It works on https://www.regex101.com/#javascript, but on grunt in the connect task when i define this connect task:
middleware: function(connect, options) {
var middlewares = [];
middlewares.push(modRewrite(["(\path\?*)([^.]*)$ /home.html [L]"]));
options.base.forEach(function(base) {
return middlewares;
i got this error: Invalid regular expression: /(home?*)([^.]*)$/: Nothing to repeat
and the IDE warn me in the two slash (\path\ ) between the 'path ' word.
Why i can use those slashes? What can i use to replace those slashes? Thanks very much
The \
is a special character in javascript so you need to escape it, if you intend to use it. You can escape it by adding another \
. ex: \\