I would like to be able to use VBA to display any number between 1-24 as a 2 digit number. Obviously the only ones that have a problem with this are 1-9 which I would like displayed as 01, 02, 03, etc. Is there a way to perform this?
You cannot format an integer variable, you need to use a string variable for formatting.
You can convert the day part of a date to a format with leading zeros using the Day
function to extract the day number from the date, and then using the Format
function with a "00"
format to add a leading zero where necessary
Format(Day(myDate), "00")
myDate is a Date variable containing the full Date value
The following macro can be used as a working sample
Sub Macro1()
Dim myDate As Date
myDate = "2015-5-1"
Dim dayPart As String
dayPart = Format(Day(myDate), "00")
MsgBox dayPart
End Sub