I have a gear image which I want to continuously rotate about a fixed point.
Earlier I was accomplishing this by including the image in my Android class as an ImageView and applying a RotateAnimation to it.
@InjectView(R.id.gear00) ImageView gear00;
RotateAnimation ra07 = new RotateAnimation(0, 359, 129, 186);
ra07.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
Basically, I was injecting the ImageView into the class and applying a rotation animation.
However, I dont have the luxury of using an ImageView anymore. I have to use a Bitmap and rotate it on the canvas.
How can I go about accomplishing what I was doing earlier in the onDraw() method with a bitmap rotating about a fixed point continiously on the canvas?
I tried one of the suggestions mentioned below my code looks a little like the following
in onCreate():
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.setRotate(10, 100, 200);
Then in onDraw() (where gear00Scaled is a bitmap to be rotated on the canvas):
canvas.drawBitmap(gear00Scaled, matrix, new Paint());
Another method I tried involved saving the canvas, rotating it, then restoring it:
canvas.drawBitmap(gear00Scaled, 100, 200, null);
Neither seem to be working though!
In your onCreate() do
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
And in onDraw
float angle = (float) (System.currentTimeMillis() % ROTATE_TIME_MILLIS)
matrix.postTranslate(-source.getWidth() / 2, -source.getHeight() / 2);
matrix.postTranslate(centerX, centerY)
canvas.drawBitmap(source, matrix, null);
invalidate(); // Cause a re-draw
ROTATE_TIME_MILLIS is the full circle time, e.g. 2000 is 2 seconds.