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What is POJO defined as in tapestry

I am new at tapestry, and from my understanding POJO does not extend, implements or use annotation which are explain here

However, when I visited tapestry webpage

I can't help but notice them saying this

Simple POJO classes, streamlined templates, live class reloading, state-of-the-art exception reporting, first-class Ajax support, and a big library of built-in components: Tapestry is designed from the ground up to give you great productivity.

but when I done the tutorial the java classes actually does use Annotations like @Validate("required")
public String firstName;
so what are they trying to claim by stating they use simple POJO classes? Please keep it simple so I can understand ;_;


  • The page and component classes in a Tapestry app are not required to extend a framework class, implement a framework interface, or use framework annotations. In that sense they are POJOs. However, you are free to do any of those yourself, and Tapestry does provide annotations that are a convenient way to add certain commonly needed functionality, such as the validation in your example.