I know that there is a Boost module for serialization of boost::shared_ptr
, but I cannot find anything for std::shared_ptr
Also, I don't know how to implement it easily. I'm afraid that the following code
namespace boost{namespace serialization{
template<class Archive, class T>
inline void serialize(Archive & ar, std::shared_ptr<T> &t, const unsigned int version)
if(Archive::is_loading::value) {T*r;ar>>r;t=r;}
else {ar<<t.get();}
doesn't work. Indeed, if some object was referred multiple times, it would be loaded with first run of ar>>r
, and after that just a pointer will be copied. However we would create multiple shared_ptr
objects pointing to it, and therefore would destruct it more than one time.
Any ideas on that?
Some technical details about the system I'm using:
sudo apt-get install libboost-dev
)As of Boost 1.56, the serialization library has built-in support for std::shared_ptr. You do not need to implement your own serialization helper functions if you can use a more recent version of the library.