I have writen an function to get the totals of certain rows.
The function works ok, but I have one problem It does not count the rows which are filtered/selected on the table change but all the rows.
I don't know how that can be because when I look in the html source, only 5 rows are there and the functions counts all 25 rows before the filter.
Jquery :
var element = $(this),
footer = element.find('tfoot tr'),
dataRows = element.find('tbody tr'),
initialTotal = function () {
var column, total;
//for (column = 1; column < footer.children().size(); column++) {
for (column = 3; column < 4; column++) {
total = 0;
dataRows.each(function () {
var row = $(this);
total += parseFloat(row.children().eq(column).text());
Example page :
As you can see when you select "PARTIJ" 0/1/2 it executes the count function and gives total but total for all rows and not only the selected "PARTIJ".
Try changing line:
dataRows = element.find('tbody tr'),
dataRows = element.find('tbody tr:visible'),
which applies the :visible selector