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Using class references to modify public members within another class

Since my last question had too much code in it, I tried to make the simplest example of what I'm trying to do. Take this for example,..

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class String

class ClassTwo
        int memberVariable;

class ClassOne
        ClassOne (ClassTwo&, String&);

        ClassTwo& classTwoReference;
        String& stringReference;

ClassOne::ClassOne (ClassTwo& two, String& string)
    : classTwoReference (two), stringReference (string)
    two.memberVariable = 3;


int main()
    String stringObject;
    ClassTwo classTwoObject;
    ClassOne classOneObject (classTwoObject, stringObject);

In JUCE, which is the API I'm using to code a VST Plugin, there is a string class that JUCE names "String". I'm not sure exactly what the constructor does, but you can use something like this to create a String object.

String newString("string");

The ClassTwo in my case, is the AudioProcessor class which has a public member variable that I can access from ClassOne like this.

two.memberVariable = 3;

The ClassOne in my case, is a custom Component(I named it PixelSlider) that I'm using in my GUI. It uses a slider listener to check the status of a slider and modify the member variable in ClassTwo(AudioProcessor). I can do this fine using the method above, but the issue is that I want to create as many ClassOne(PixelSlider) objects as I need. I want to pass them a String object that tells them what member variable of ClassTwo(AudioProcessor) to modify. Logically, this would be done by passing a reference to a String object with the same string value as the name of the ClassTwo member variable. Like this,...

ClassOne::ClassOne (ClassTwo& two, String& string)
        : classTwoReference (two), stringReference (string)
        two.(string) = 3;

This doesn't work in JUCE, but can anybody tell me a way to get this done without having to create a bunch of different classes almost exactly like ClassOne(PixelSlider) that modify different ClassTwo(AudioProcessor) member variables?


  • If I understand correctly, you're trying to bind a PixelSlider target to a member of AudioProcessor at runtime, which, as you've discovered, can't be done the way you suggest ( two.(string) = 3 ). One way of achieving this binding would be to use the command pattern (

    AudioProcessor could expose a collection of these command objects for each modifiable property ...

    AudioProcessor::GetCommandByName(String const& properyName) const

    ... which you can pass to the constructor of PixelSlider. Something along the lines of ...

    PixelSlider::PixelSlider(AudioProcessorCommand& command)
    : command_{command}

    When the PixelSlider's value changes you would invoke the command ...
