def do_redirect():
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/login.html")
def check_auth(call_func):
# do check ...
if check_success():
call_func() = cherrypy.Tool('before_handler', check_auth) = do_redirect
I want to set the function do_redirect as check_auth's parameter, but it throw the follow exception: TypeError: check_auth() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
but it can works if modify to follow code:
def check_auth(call_func):
# do check ...
if check_success():
return = cherrypy.Tool('before_handler', check_auth) = do_redirect
how to set the callable function parameters of 'before_handler' in cherrypy?
There are a couple of way on setting the argument for a tool, take a look to this example:
import cherrypy as cp
def check_success():
return False
def do_redirect():
raise cp.HTTPRedirect("/login.html")
def fancy_redirect():
raise cp.HTTPRedirect("/fancy_login.html")
def secret_redirect():
raise cp.HTTPRedirect("/secret_login.html")
def check_auth(call_func=do_redirect):
# do check ...
if check_success():
call_func() = cp.Tool('before_handler', check_auth, priority=60)
class App:
@cp.expose # use the default
def index(self):
return "The common content"
def fancy(self):
return "The fancy content"
@cp.expose # as argument
def secret(self):
return "The secret content"
def login_html(self):
return "Login!"
def fancy_login_html(self):
return "<h1>Please login!</h1>"
def secret_login_html(sel):
return "<small>Psst.. login..</small>"
cp.quickstart(App(), config={
'/fancy': {
'tools.auth.on': True,
'tools.auth.call_func': fancy_redirect # from config