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How to cancel or undo a checkout from CVS using eclipse?

I checked out the code from CVS repository using jboss developer studio 8.0 (IDE). However, i am not able to run/deploy my application in dev studio 8.0 and was suggested to use jboss dev studio 4.0. Now, i want to start over from scratch on jboss dev studio 4.0. I don't want to use the same workspace that was created using jboss dev studio 8.0.

My questions:
- How do I cancel the checkout from jboss dev studio 8.0 ?
- What will happen if i check out the code again using jboss dev studio 4.0 on my system ?

Please advise!Thanks


  • When you check out from a repository, you create a local copy on your computer. When you commit the changes you made to the local copy, it updates the copy on the server. If you did not commit any changes you made then you do not need to "cancel the checkout." It also does not matter if you check out the code again as it only creates a local copy on your machine.