I'm still learning VHDL for synthesis purposes on a custom Xilinx Spartan-6 based board. My design includes a lot of FSM and I've just learned in a previous question that the single process implementation is a lot better and much easier to use.
I also learned that initialization values for signals are actually synthetizable.
So here is the question: do I really need a reset signal to put the FSM in idle with default outputs, IF I don't need to interrupt the FSM mid flow OR I already have another signal that stops it?
let's see what is the Xilinx appraoch on reset :
Xilinx FPGA includes "Global Set/Reset" module which automatically set all signals at their initialisation values at start-up. The initialisation value is declared as follow:
signal foo : std_logic := '0';
-- ^ initialisation value
When designing a new part of code, you have to think twice for each bit if it needs to be reset by something else than the GSR, because using your own global reset is actually using a second global reset.
For your FSM, it has a startup state (IDLE) and will never be reset in the whole bitstream life. We can say at first that the FSM do not need a reset. But if you just do it like it, you'll be exposed to metastability issues. The GSR is quite slow to deassert its reset and it does it asynchronously. All flip-flop won't be released at the same time and your FSM can go in an illegal state.
So, use a local reset for your FSM (and counters as well).
To complete the reset question:
A solution to avoid the local reset on the FSM could be the use of a bufgce module at clock entry. At startup, this module do not feed the design with the clock and wait for some clock cycles before enabling the clock. Only a local reset is used here to manage the enable
input of the BUFGCE and the reset of the FGPA is reset free.
I don't know how many clock cycles have to be waited, but it can do it. The first approach is still the best for now.