Linked to my other question, if I have an OData function with the following definitions
var companyActionConfig = builder.EntityType<Ent>().Action("MethodX");
which results into the following service definition (with regard to this action)
<Action Name="MethodX" IsBound="true">
<Parameter Name="bindingParameter" Type="Ent"/>
<Parameter Name="SomeParam1" Type="Edm.Int32" Nullable="false"/>
<Parameter Name="SomeParam2" Type="Edm.String" Unicode="false"/>
<ReturnType Type="Edm.Boolean" Nullable="false"/>
Then how I could call the function from the OData v4 T4 generated code?
I see there's a class named ExtensionsMethods
with the following function int it
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static global::Microsoft.OData.Client.DataServiceActionQuerySingle<bool> MethodX(this global::Microsoft.OData.Client.DataServiceQuerySingle<global::Ent> source, int SomeParam1, string SomeParam2)
if (!source.IsComposable)
throw new global::System.NotSupportedException("The previous function is not composable.");
return new global::Microsoft.OData.Client.DataServiceActionQuerySingle<bool>(source.Context, source.AppendRequestUri("MethodX"), new global::Microsoft.OData.Client.BodyOperationParameter("SomeParam1", SomeParam1),
new global::Microsoft.OData.Client.BodyOperationParameter("SomeParam2", SomeParam2));
But I don't have an idea how to make the call in the code. That is, if I'd like to write something like
//How to call MethodX here?
//var entContainer = new Container("http://someurl").Ents...
it doesn't seem to be possible easily. How could I call the function?
You can refer client delayed query.
For your case:
var entContainer = new Container(new Uri("http://someurl"));
bool result = entContainer.Ents.ByKey(IdOfEnt).MethodX(p1, p2).GetValue();