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UITableViewCell accessory not being tinted

I've read multiple Q&A on the topic but none seem to work so here's my problem.

I created a custom UITableViewCell and in the Storyboard, I asked for there to be a disclosure indicator accessory. It is said that the tintColor should change the color of the indicator but after much research, here is what I found:

  • The cell's accessoryView maps out to a nil value therefore I cannot affect it's tintColor

I tried to create the accessoryView as done with a selectedBackgroundView like such:

self.accessoryView = UIView()

Obviously, it just creates a blank space and the original disclosure accessory disappears. I'm really confused with all this and cannot find a way to affect the color of a cell's accessory. Any help would be much welcome!


  • Here is what helped me and should help others.

    The tintColor attribute of any UIView type and subtypes will propagate it's tint setting to the subviews in it's hierarchy. You could set the tintColor for a UITableView and it would be applied to all the cells within.

    That said not all UITableViewCell Accessory types can unfortunately be tinted.

    Those who get tinted:

    • UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark
    • UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailButton
    • UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton -> only the Details part

    The following do not get tinted:

    • UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator
    • UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton -> only the Disclosure Button

    So generally, you'll be able to change the color of your UITableViewCell Accessories. But if you want to change the grey arrow that usually indicates a segue to another view, no chance, it will stay grey.

    The only way to change it is to actually create a custom UIAccessoryView. Here is one implementation purposefully broken down to keep it clear. Although I believe better ways exist:

    In my custom UITableViewCell Class in the awakeFromNib() method

    let disclosureImage = UIImage(named: "Disclosure Image")
    let disclosureView = UIImageView(image: disclosureImage)
    disclosureView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 25, 25)
    self.accessoryView = disclosureView

    Be warned that this cannot be tinted either. It will have the color of the image used compared to "Tab Bar Items" so you might need multiple images for selected cells and unselected ones.