I'm attempting to utilize the DataView.ToValue
function, and while it is pulling the correct columns needed, I am still not getting the DISTINCT values. I have a DataValue
that contains a gridview of all of the information on the website. When a client goes to download this data in a specific format, they need just the unique values to be processed into the file.
At present, I store all of the columns needed for the report within an array with the purpose of being dynamic. Once that string array has been created, I create my DataTable with
tblData = dvData.ToTable(true, arrColumns);
Despite this, the data is still coming back with all rows. Am I missing something? According to this from Microsoft's documentation I SHOULD be getting back distinct values.
Turns out I forgot that a step on the backend handles cleaning up NULLs into valid datapoints for the xml. So it was properly sorting, just the null fields were actually causing "copies".