The code that triggers the OptimisticLockingFailureException:
public void shouldIncrementUserTotalLikesByOne() throws IllegalArgumentException, UserNotFoundException {
User user = userService.findByEmail("");
long numberOfLikeCount = user.getLikeCount();
long numberOfUpdatedUpdatedCount = user.getLikeCount();
Assert.assertEquals(numberOfUpdatedUpdatedCount, numberOfLikeCount+1);
The exception occurs when
is called:
org.springframework.dao.OptimisticLockingFailureException: Optimistic lock exception on saving entity:
Optimistic locking exception means the object being persisted have already changed it's state in the database (some other transaction saved the object).
So, this is a domain specific problem. You have to decide what should be done.
Basically two options:
Present the error to the user.
Read the object from database and merge the changes. With this you should assume that you may lose the modifications done by other transactions.