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SignalR user is not registered in Client.Users

I am creating a chat between 2 users. Here's my hub and hub client:

public class ConversationHub : Hub<IConversationHubClient>
    public override Task OnConnected()
        var id = this.Context.User.Identity.GetUserId();
        //when I breakpoint here, I can see the id of my connected user.
        return base.OnConnected();

public interface IConversationHubClient
    void MessageReceived(string conversationId, 
        string userId, 
        string text, 
        DateTime date, 
        bool isUser);

And from the mvc controller, I am calling:

string userId = this.User.Identity.GetUserId();
            .MessageReceived(model.ConversationId, userId , model.Text, model.Date, true);
//I want to send back the message to the user, for testing purposes

And finally here is the front-end:

var conversationhub = $.connection.conversationHub;

conversationhub.client.MessageReceived = function (conversationId, userId, text, sentOn, isUser){

I am expecting to see the alert when I trigger my mvc controller method but nothing happens. It seems to me that the user is not registered in the connected users but I don't understand why and how to register it. Can someone help me on that?


  • Well, turns out it didn't work because of the way I was injecting the hubContext on my MVC Controller.

    I followed the article on SignalR DI with ninject.

    My binding was wrong. After following the example, I change my binding to:

                .ToMethod(x => GlobalHost.DependencyResolver.Resolve<IConnectionManager>()
                   .GetHubContext<ConversationHub, IConversationHubClient>());

    And everything worked!