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Returning subdocument array through Meteor / Mongo

I'm having a little trouble returning and displaying tags that I'm adding to a subdocument. I have no problem adding tags, but want to put a label on the item for each tag. I simply can't find a resource that helps me return the items in an array within a subdocument. I think it's all the helper where I'm stuck - basically the syntactically correct way to write "Items.(this._id).itemTags.find();" :)

Oh - and I've cut out a lot of the HTML and JS, but, yes, everything else is working fine. The collection is "Items" and the subdocument is "itemTags", set with "itemTags: []" during the insert. In my test environment I can add "Cats" and "Dogs" as tags and can verify it works by inspecting the objects through "Items.find().fetch();" but am struggling to display them.


<template name="item">
  {{#each itemTags}}
    <span class="label label-default">{{itemTag}}</span>


   itemTags: function() {
    var currentUserId = Meteor.userId();
    return Items.find(); // yes, this line is completely wrong, but I'm lost hehe
  'submit .add-tag': function(event) {

    var itemTag =;

    Items.update(this._id, {$push: {itemTags: itemTag}}); = "";

    return false;

Database schema (as shown by my insert command):

var item = {
  itemText: $('[name=itemText]').val(),
  createdAt: new Date(),
  createdBy: currentUserId,
  hard: false,
  difficulty: 'easy',
  checked: false,
  itemTags: [],

item._id = Items.insert(item);


  • Your only problem is trying to iterate a cursor and a sub array within the same each block. If you separate your items template and an individual item template, you'll end up with your desired result.

    For the sake of simplification, I altered your code to look like this:

    This is your main body:

        {{> items}}
    <template name="items">
      {{#each items}}
        {{> item}}
    <template name="item">
      <h2>{{itemText}} tags are:</h2>
      {{#each itemTags}}

    And this is your helper:

      items: function () {
        return Items.find();

    Assuming an item document looks like:

      itemText: String,
      itemTags: Array

    I've created an app on Meteorpad for you to play with:

    you can further alter the code there and see the changes in realtime. It is basically jsfiddle for meteor.

    Edit: inspired by @chip-castle's comment, you can in fact use a single template with nested each blocks:

    <template name="items">
      {{#each items}}
        <h2>{{itemText}} tags are:</h2>
        {{#each itemTags}}

    But using separate templates is more flexible in both design and handling events where necessary.