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#each for Meteor.js template

I am trying to make it so users only see questions they haven't answered already. I have set it up so when user answers a question it updates their account with questionsAnswered and updates the questions usersTrue and usersFalse arrays. I am using the each template function to loop through my question collection to show all active questions.

I have tried to add some add extra parameter to the .find({active: true}) but that doesn't work.

I have a helper for my each loop. I have tried adding a if else that doesn't work.

I would prefer to loop through the user's questionsAnswered array to see if they have already answered the question.


<template name="questionCard">
{{#each questions}}
        <div id="{{_id}}" class="card">
            {{ que}}
            <a class="no option" href="#">No</a>
            <a class="yes option" href="#">Yes</a>

Javascript (helper) code:

'questions': function(){
    var currentUser = Meteor.userId();
    return QuestionList.find({active: true});

I would like for the card to disappear after they answer, but that problem should solve itself if the loop is fixed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • I ended up getting some help from someone at I was trying to add information to the javascript side to check to see if userId was not in the array. I was introduced to the $nin operator so my code ended up looking like this.

    Thanks for your responses!

    'questions': function(){
        var currentUser = Meteor.userId();
        return QuestionList.find({active: true, usersTrue: {$nin: [currentUser]}, 
        usersFalse: {$nin: [currentUser]}});